At long last the property I saw and bought in less than 3 hours and refurbished in just 18 days has sold! This afternoon the solicitors have done their various [ … ]
Tag: high street estate agent
Could This House Offer Be A Home Run???
Today is a very happy day in the Sam household! After what has felt like an extraordinarily L-O-N-G time (137 days) we have accepted an offer on the renovated [ … ]
Battle of the Estate Agents: Online Vs. High Street
Today I have decided to pit the wits of a High Street Estate agent against the technological and cheaper might of an Online Estate Agent to sell my newly renovated [ … ]
Is Rightmove enough to sell your property – or do Estate Agents have magical powers??
Today I have been trying to work out the pros and cons of selling a property myself vs. using a High Street estate agent. Now estate agents get a lot [ … ]