Finding More Happy

Watch, Wait and Wonder: The Sunrise in Fuerteventura (FMH: 30)

Waking up at 5.30am I was delighted. And I mean it. I was delighted. I ran to the shower, drank a cup of tea and quickly made my way to the car.

The reason being?

I’d read a tip about a great place to go to the South of the island for the sunrise.

Driving down I needed my full headlights on because it was properly black night. Like the sort of black you only see on a picture. There’s barely any light pollution here in Fuerteventura and the stars are so incredibly sparkly and twinkly the entire island is like an outside planetarium.

Arriving just before 7am I got my frontline view direct on the sea – and I was the only one!

The sky was already brightening from the sun who would appear soon.

It was magical.

I may have been disappointed to be given a Dacia as a hire car, but this beaten up navy blue pile of pants is still getting me places 🙂

This was the most spectacular and beautiful start to the day. To watch the sun rise and to understand the warmth and goodness it brings to the planet was truly wonderful.

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