Finding More Happy

How Do You Regenerate An Area Without Ripping Out The Soul? (FMH: 29)

Having borrowed a cup of paint (literally), from my neighbour I touched up the ceilings and headed into town.

I’m always keen to see what is happening in the local area and I’ve been impressed in the last few years that Fuerteventura, especially the Corralejo area, has been improving and regenerating.

I’ve seen developments that were mothballed years ago, have started works again:

And many uppers above commercials on the high streets are undergoing big improvements.

There’s also new roads in place and in time, I really hope we’ll see an end to some of these eyesores, which have been around for far too long!

However, and it is a small however, as someone who has been visiting the island for over twenty years it’s hard sometimes to swallow change and to understand that things move on. I know I am very happy for the new bars and restaurant openings, and for those to be sustainable, more visitors need to come to the island…but still, Fuerteventura has a very special spirit and I very much hope this will remain.

I only hope the local council won’t get too greedy in their drive for tourism and pay too high a price for progress.

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