So having just returned from Riga, Latvia I could share with you a bunch of photos of good looking properties:
But, what I noticed while in Riga was the amount of “repurposing” which was going on – that is, the use of something for a purpose other than its original intended used. Repurposing an item can be done by modifying it to fit a new use, or by using the item as is in a new way. So here is my collection of “What Sam Saw” of repurposing in Riga:
Bricks as art:
Bricks as radiators (OK, I admit am cheating this is painted!):
Vintage font as wash basin:
Old shoes as shop display:
Industrial machinery as curtain poles:
Troughs and barrels as lights:
Hoarding as a house:
Old sock as a sign post cosy:
Repurposing in Riga –
rich greenland
Clearly very creative people, I love stuff like that!