I know, I hate it when people do this – but I’m sorry it can’t be helped..
I WANT to be nominated for the Prime Location Blog Awards 2012
And so I am having to ask for your help please!
As a previous winner for Best Blog Post with Today I got rid of squatters from my London flat and as a former runner up for Best Blog, I would seriously LOVE to be nominated for these awards again so I get a chance to win!
Please help me 🙂
The closing date is 25 March 2013 – so not long!!
You can nominate for me here
There are a few categories, but Best Blog, Best Blog Post and Users’ Favourite Blog seem to be the most appropriate – although you are, of course, free to vote as you wish.
If you are voting for Best Blog Post, please note this is only for posts published during 2012
Sending you lots of juicy kisses for all your support x
Alex@Estate Agents Kilburn
Hi Sam, been here a few times, just wondering how you got on? i love many of your posts, i work in the property industry myself and its refreshing to find someone who is involved with a bit of personality, sorry i didn’t vote in time, are the results out yet?
Hi, Thanks Alex and glad you enjoy. Have you seen I now write a column in the ES Homes & Property every fortnight?
Funnily enough Prime Location didn’t seem to do anything further on this so I am not sure what happened – will have to badger them!
I have been short listed for another award – Brilliance in Blogging – and the finalists will be announced next Wed 22 May – it’s stiff competition so I’m not sure on my chances – but you got to be in it to win it!!!
Alex@Estate Agents Kilburn
Yeah i saw your post on the Brilliance in Blogging listing, congratulations you deserve it 🙂
no i was not aware of the ES homes & property column you had, can you post a link please?
Alex@Estate Agents Kilburn
also why are my comment spamming glengall road?
Hi, here is the latest one:
RE: Glengall – looks like you’ve written a post about this? Don’t ask me techie q’s I have no idea how this blog works!